

P4O2 is a public private initiative. People with varying risk of developing lung disease, research institutes, societies, and companies will be involved. P4O2 is a program of the NPL, which is an initiative of the NRS, supported by the ERS, Dutch Lung Foundation, NVALT, LAN, CAHAG, and patients with lung disease. An overview of organizations that are part of the consortium can be found below.

If you are potentially interested in joining P4O2 as a collaborator, please contact us via p4o2@amsterdamumc.nl to make an appointment to discuss the possibilities.


Amsterdam University Medical Centers (Amsterdam UMC) - Respiratory Medicine
University of Amsterdam                        
Prof. A.H. Maitland-van der Zee (PI)
Y. de Wit-van Wijck, MSc (Program manager)
J.J.M.H. van Bragt, PharmD, MSc
N. Baalbaki

VU University                                             
Prof. H.J. Bogaard
E. Nossent, MD

University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) - Pathology and Medical Biology, Experimental Pulmonology and Inflammation Research
Prof. I.H. Heijink
Dr. S.D. Pouwels
Dr. M. van den Berge
Prof. D.J. Slebos

Maastricht University Medical Center (Maastricht UMC+) and Maastricht University- NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism – department of Respiratory Medicine
Prof. A. Schols
Dr. R.C.J. Langen
Dr. R. Beijers
L. Schuurman

University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht)
Dr. F. Mohamed Hoesein
Prof. R. Vermeulen

Utrecht University
Prof. R. Vermeulen (IRAS)
Dr. G. Downward

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
Dr. A.M. van der Does
Prof. P.S. Hiemstra
Prof. H.J. Lamb

Nationaal Programma Longonderzoek
Initiative of the NRS, Lung Foundation Netherlands, LAN
Supportred by NVALT, CAHAG, ERS 




P4O2 is supported by





Are you interested in collaborating in P4O2? We would be happy to meet and discuss opportunities.
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