

P4O2 officially started on 15 December 2020 and the project is financed for the first four years. The P4O2 COVID extension started prior to the mother project, in August 2020 and will be running for three years, after which we aim to continue after finding more funding.

Partners in the Precision Medicine for more Oxygen (P4O2) consortium are the Amsterdam UMC, Leiden University Medical Center, Maastricht UMC+, Maastricht University, UMC Groningen, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University, TNO, Aparito, Boehringer Ingelheim, Breathomix, Clear, Danone Nutricia Research, Fluidda, MonitAir, Ncardia, Ortec Logiqcare, Philips, Proefdiervrij, Quantib-U, RespiQ, Roche, Smartfish, SODAQ, Thirona, TopMD, Lung Alliance Netherlands (LAN) and the Lung Foundation Netherlands (Longfonds). The consortium is additionally funded by the PPP Allowance made available by Health~Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSHM20104; LSHM20068), to stimulate public-private partnerships and by Novartis. More information regarding the Match call of Health~Holland can be found here.

On the 23th of March 2022 we had our very first in-person Project Committee meeting, where we updated each other on the research that was performed so far, and where we made new plans for further research. We also had meetings on 14 October 2022 at our partner Ortec Logiqcare and 15 May 2023 at the Amsterdam UMC.

The inclusions in the P4O2 COVID-19 extension terminated in August 2022. We included 95 patients, which was close to the 100 persons that we originally planned to include, which was challenging because of lockdowns and variants of the virus that gave different clinical presentations. In June 2023 we will see the last patient for the follow up visit 9 months after the first visit. The exposome visits are completed and 38 persons finished the lifestyle intervention (which is still ongoing in some others).  The first data is being analysed (clinical data, data on fatigue and lung function, blood and nasal transcriptome, exposome data, etc.) at the moment and the first manuscripts are submitted for publication.       

For the mother project, the definition of ‘at risk for lung disease’ that will be used in our project is determined after literature research. The project protocol was sent to the medical-ethical review board. As it is a challenging study, this caused some delay. We obatained MRB approval in the autumn of 2023.  We expect to start inclusion in January 2024. For this project, we will now be collaborating with the Hoorn studies, to combine with cardio metabolic risk. The cohort of 3000 persons that we will now include will be called the PARASOL cohort (Prevention of And Risk fActorS for chronic diseases: an Observational study in North HoLland). In 350 persons of those 3000 persons we will perform additional measurements to the standard measurements, such as CT scans, and exposome measurements.    

In the meantime, the consortium and it’s network are making further plans in the field of prevention of lung disease. In 2024, we will resubmit our plans to the Nationaal Groeifonds. One of the goals is to set up a new business method that will reduce the risk for companies working on the development of prevention interventions. 

If you are interested in joining the P4O2 consortium, please contact us at p4O2@amsterdamumc.nl. It is still possible to join the consortium, so please contact us if you are interested in a call to discuss possibilities. P4O2 aims to stimulate collaboration in the field and between academic and private partners.




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